Mesoamerica’s IZAPA Temple Center (1600 BC-400 AD) So. Mexico.

6:50 am

A - 2015 Izapa_SS_outside covers 3-8 (1)


Izapa located at 15° North Latitude: birthplace of the “SACRED 260-DAY CREATION OF MAN” Calendar–discovered by Dr. Vincent Malmström (1973, 1997–Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization).

 1. The “SACRED 260-DAY CREATION OF MAN” Calendar began at Izapa, Mexico’s 15° North Latitude (Olmecs: 1600-500 BC; Izapa-Mayas: 550 BC-400 AD) & taken in 100 BC to Teotihuacan, Mexico, & Nazca, Peru-at 15° South Latitude, & to all Mesoamerica, & later to Parowan Gap, Utah, USA (700 AD).

2. BABYLONIAN & EGYPTIAN CUBITS from the Middle East were used to create the art & architecture of the Izapa Temple Observatory & most other ancient Mesoamerican Temples.

3. Carbon Dating at IZAPA: Olmec Civilization (1600 BC-500 BC) Izapa-Maya Civilization (550 BC-400 AD); Maya Civilization (200-1000 AD).

L-R: Sergio Navas, Rudolfo Juan Flores, Alberto, Garth Norman, Jason Jones

 Izapa Visitor Center: Artist Israel Ramos, Owner Antonio D’amiano Atristain & wife Mirna Janet standing in front of the new Center.


So.Mexico-West Guatemala’s POPOL VUH states that their ancestors CAME FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SEA. (Recinos 1950: 5, 77-80) — VIDEO

June 20-27, 2010 The Maya Conservancy (Georgeanne Johnson-President) sponsored a tour with 13 Quiche and a dozen Maya scholars.

Quiche Mayan Elders performed their sacred 260 Day Count “CREATION OF MAN” ceremony at Izapa in 2010 for the first time in 1,000 years. Right – Rigoberto Itzep clothed in Ceremonial white with headscarf, shawl, apron, and sash. He burns incense as he blesses the Izapa Temple Center.

 Blessing the body from head to toe.

Click LINK for Power Point of new 2018: IZAPA VISITOR CENTER-1-3pptx [Autosaved]

The Antiquities of Mesoamerica were constructed using BABYLONIAN and EGYPTIAN CUBITS (First reported by Garth Norman at the Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico)

LaVenta Park - Royal Babylonian Cubit measures

                       Olmec (1500 BC- 500 BC) LaVenta Park, Mexico                                        Stela carving was created using the Royal Babylonian Cubit.


Izapa, Mexico (500 BC-600 AD) Stone monuments were created with Babylonian & Egyptian cubits.

Palenque Palace - T Window measure

Maya (200 AD- 800 AD) Palenque Palace, Mexico – T Window created with Babylonian Cubit measurements.

Popol Vuh: “Great were the descriptions and the account of how all the sky and earth were formed  . . .  and the MEASURING-CORD was brought, and it was stretched in the sky and over the earth, on the four angles, on the four corners, as was told by the Creator and the Maker . . .” (Recinos 1950: 5, 78-80).

 Mesoamerica Formative era major sites: 1500 B.C. to 250 A.D Formative map 3

Izapa Temple Restoration

6:13 am

LARGEST TEMPLE CENTER on Pacific Coast of Southern Mesoamerica (Olmec: 1500 BC & Izapan: 500 B.C.-Mayan 200 A.D.).

Izapa has 33 PYRAMIDS & 10 PLAZAS, 90+ CARVED STONE STELAE.  The Izapan cultural period influenced virtually all of the rising ancient Mesoamerican cultures –1) BABYLONIAN & EGYPTIAN cubits measured ancient structures,  2) the SACRED 260 DAY calendar originated at Izapa, & 3) ancient CHOCOLATE commerce  throughout Mesoamerica came from the region of Izapa (Norman 2015; Coe: 2015). 

Calendar - CR Map 2                      OLMEC——IZAPAN*——MAYA                          1500 BC——-500 BC——-200AD

  • Izapa-located at 14.8° North Latitude-where the Sun Zenith Passage measures SACRED 260 DAYS (August 13 to April 30) discovered by Dartmouth Professor Dr. Vincent Malmström (1973, 1997-Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization.
  • Stelae are aligned astronomically to Sun, Moon & Venus cycle rises on the eastern horizon.
  • CALENDAR ROUND at Izapa has a continuous running day count from creation of 3120 B.C., the Base Date of the Maya Creation 260 Day Ceremony.
  • Ancient BABYLONIAN & EGYPTIAN cubits and Ancient Geometry were used to create the stone carvings and the Temple Center planning and positioning of Mounds.
  • The human LIFE CYCLE STORY carved on monuments, expresses man’s creation from a pre-mortal realm, mortal road of life and immortal destiny back to the heavenly realm.
  • Some POPOL VUH Stories (sacred book of the Quiche Maya of Guatemala) are represented on some Izapa carved stelae.

2-2Izapa Horizon w Venus on top

“E” (above)=position of the Zenith Sun Passages on August 13 & April 30 on Izapa’s eastern horizon. Yellow in the circle below shows the 260 days measured between the two appearances of the Zenith Sun Passage at Izapa when there are no shadows at noon.

A-37-3 Izapa Circle Cal

“260 Days is the 9 month creation, gestation, zenith cycle ending with the birth of a human baby–the summum bonum of all creation” (Norman 2015:90). 


       AS S-10 VGN NWAF







Stela 8 (above) begins 260 days (human gestation time)             Stela 10 (right) shows a spirit child in clouds descending to its pregnant mother by a Tree of Life at end of the 260 day Count.

Izapa Plaza B’s “Throne” (next to the left pillar) aligns with the Sun Zenith Passages and also the constellation Orion. 


August 13, 2012 crowd at Izapa raise their hands at noon and shout when the Zenith sun is directly overhead and casts no shadow. 






Garth Norman gave an hour presentation about the “Izapa Temple Observatory” on live streaming for Tapachula, Mexico’s 90th Anniversary of their Cultural Museum which was their Municipal Palace. 10 minutes of music and dance begins this Celebration. Tony Alfaro translated for me.
Copy and paste this link into your browser to view the video:

Pyramid of Pacal

1:14 pm

Izapa Temple Palenque ruins exhibit the Mesoamerican Standard Measure and Geometric planning discovered in 1980 by Garth Norman. The excellent precision drawings of Palenque panels by Merle Green Robertson, Linda Schele, and Alfred Maudslay, made my task of checking geometric structure in the five major Palenque slab sculptures a truely rewarding exercise. The Palenque panels express an unsurpassed vitality for utilizing the geometric mandala frame with great variety of artistic creativity. The consistency of their golden mandala formats seem self evident. Divisions in the Palace hieroglyphic panel (below) were obviously dictated by the underlying Golden Mandala format. The center point was interestingly reserved for reference to the ancestral King Pacal in the text. Centers on all carvings are easily located between base and side mandala border references. The open top (except Sarcaphogus lid below), seems to refer to the unbound sky as expressed on Izapa sculptures in upward sloping sky panels. The composition of the Foliated Cross panel to my Golden Mandala reconstruction (as with other Palenque panels) appears self evident. Palenque Tablet of the Foliated Cross - Geometric Structure

Palenque Tomb Sarcaphogus Lid Tree of Life Ascension (compares to Izapa Stela 25)

The perfection of the Golden Mandala composition is reflected in mirror images and glyph columns on opposite sides of sculptures that conform to geometry lines. The composition and theme of Pacal’s Sarcaphogus Lid carving are distinctly rooted in the Izapan tradition, best manifest on Izapa Stela 5. This Palenque carving is unsurpassed in Mesoamerican art for its beauty in expressing immortality. I believe the geometry dramatizes that theme. In addition to the conch, Pacal is being lifted by the long-lipped masks beneath his foot and in back of his head. Pacal is in the midst of flowering through the action of the sun (Kin glyph) on the crown of the earth monster. He sits directly on a budding blossom. Death is evident in the Cimi glyph at the right, but life out of death is manifested in the tri-partite leaf plant projecting from it. As with most dramatic death scenes at Izapa (Stelae 12 and 50), the focus of death here is unmistakably toward a subsequent heavenly ascension.

Measurements of antiquities at Palenque

Further evidence is added through measurements of Palenque sculpture (Classic Maya) during a 1986 field study and from excellent scaled drawings of Merle Greene Robertson. Life size stucco-ed Maya figures on temple wall panels and pillars have hands and fingers curved in gestures for the full forearm length to be measured along the back of the hand and around the fingers. Regardless of the different gestures, forearms of four out of the six intact figures in the Palace are the same length–49.5 cm. Babylonian Cubit. An added surprise came in finding that intact feet on these figures are consistently half the arm length (24.75 cm.) indicating that the foot acts in conjunction with the arm as a standard measure.


A double Royal Babylonian Cubit is found on forearms of the carved giants in the north court of the Palace, and a smaller carved figure in that court measures a full RB Cubit – 49.5 cm.

Other measures reveal the RB Cubit was used in Palenque architecture. Some T-shaped windows in the Palace are exactly 1 RB Cubit high and 1 RB cubit wide. Others that differ may have been the work of less skilled masons. Four out of six hieroglyphic panels in the west wall of the Palace’s north court are one RB Cubit square.

49.5 cm. RB cubit

49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian cubit

Palenque figure's arm (elbow to finger tips) = 49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian Cubit

Palenque figure's foot measures half of arm's 49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian Cubit

Palenque figure’s foot measures half of arm’s 49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian Cubit

ANCIENT MIGRATIONS from Central to North America

12:25 pm

  Major Ancient Migrations from Central to North America = 100 BC, 700 AD, 900 -1200 AD


The Parowan Gap-Nature”s Perfect Observatory by V. Garth Norman ( Evidence from this project show that the Fremont Indians of Utah (ca. 700-1200 A.D.) had sophisticated astronomy and calendars-related to that at Izapa, Mexico (ca. 500 BC to 1000 AD). The spectacular sunsets on August 12 and April 29 highlight the  petroglyph calendar (ca.700 AD) which correlates with ancient and sacred Maya 260-day calendar of Mesoamerica. Garth Norman has spent 50 years researching the ancient site of Izapa (ca. 500 BC) in southern Mexico and was intrigued to find that later regions created similar “temple centers” plus what is known today as the Parowan Gap, So. Utah  (700 AD). These ancient  “astronomers” recorded sun solstices and calendar systems that are recorded on hundreds of petroglyphs on the Gap cliffs that interact with an extensive observatory system composed of over 25 stations where sunsets and sunrises were viewed through the Gap Narrows to mark key dates. (Book at:

                                Garth & Cheryl Norman: Summer Solstice Sunset-06/21/2019


Lincoln Clifford + 3 sons, Lincoln John, Ben & Nick (right) climbed the south cliff wall and took a picture of a petroglyph high up on ledge (left).

Dixie Clifford  family: Lincoln & 3 sons, Kathleen & Dixie, Cristi & husband (right) at the Parowan Gap-June 20, 2020 Summer Solstice sunset.

June 20, 2020: Spencer Kraus, Cheryl       Garth Norman at V-Lobe glyph.    Norman, Garth Norman, Nathan Davies.

The picture above was taken by Lincoln John Clifford from the top of the north peak he climbed at the Parowan Gap on June 20, 2020.


Cahokia, Illinois (above) was built at 1050 AD.

Dr. Timothy Pauketat, Anthropology Professor (U of Ill.), the leading scholar on Cahokia states: “Cahokia was ancient America’s one true city north of Mexico–as large in its day as London–& the political capital of a most unusual Indian nation”. 

OHIO SERPENT MOUND was built at 1070 AD


Other people came to the Americas from Asian, Mongolian and Middle Eastern countries propelled by ocean and wind currents as well as crossing land bridges.


Jerusalem Temple Mount

6:33 am

April, 2008 John Pratt, Lance Harding, Garth Norman in front of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Astronomical and measurement readings were taken from the Temple Mount looking east to the Mount of Olives, also from key observation points beyond the Temple Mount.

Jerusalem Temple Mount-Dome of the Tablets and Dome of the Rock

Jerusalem Temple Mount-Dome of the Tablets and Dome of the Rock

New Proposed Location for Solomon’s Temple by John P. Pratt, V.Garth Norman, Lance Harding, and Jason Jones Exactly where was Solomon’s temple located? Virtually all investigators agree that it was on the Temple Mount Platform in Jerusalem, but its precise location has been in question. This article proposes a new location on that platform, where no building presently exists. If correct, then Solomon’s temple could be restored without affecting the magnificent Muslim mosque, the Dome of the Rock, which is situated where most scholars believe Solomon’s temple stood.

Garth Norman measures stone on Jerusalem Temple Mount 49.5 Royal Babylonian Cubit

Garth Norman measures stone on Jerusalem Temple Mount 49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian Cubit

The evidence presented here was discovered by our team who were sent to Jerusalem April (2008) to research the Temple Mount and surrounding area. Team leader Garth Norman is a professional archaeologist with decades of expertise in archaeoastronomy, Lance Harding is an expert in structural design comparative study of temples, Jason Jones was our field work engineer and facilitator, having previously lived in Jerusalem, and John Pratt is an astronomer specializing in ancient sacred calendars. The research funding was arranged by Vern Swanson-Springville Museum of Art & Lyle Mortimer-Cedar Fort Publishers, Springville, Utah. Historical Background King David, the father of Solomon, was commanded by the seer Gad to build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite. David purchased the site and obeyed (2 Samuel 24:11-25). David himself was not allowed to build the temple, but was told that his son Solomon would accomplish that great task (1 Kings 5:5). The magnificent temple was seven years in construction and was finished in King Solomon’s eleventh year of reign (1 Kings 6:38). All tradition and evidence indicate that Solomon’s Temple was build at or near David’s Altar, atop the hill formerly known to Abraham as Mount Moriah. It is believed that it was the location of Abraham’s offering of his son as a sacrifice (Gen. 22:2), and hence the mount is sacred to all believers in Abraham, including Muslims, Hebrews and Christians. The Temple Platform is located near the southeast corner of the old walled city of Jerusalem. Solomon’s Temple was built during the tenth century B.C. and lasted until it was destroyed in 587 B.C. by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. He took into captivity those of the Kingdom of Judah who were not slain or scattered, where they remained until the Persians conquered his kingdom. To read the entire article where evidence is presented for the location of Solomon’s temple, go to: Ancient seaside fortress-Oman, So. Saudia Arabia Ancient Oman Fortress stone measures Babylonian cubit

Assyrian warrior's height measures a Royal Babylonian Cubit

Assyrian warrior’s height measures a 49.5 cm. Royal Babylonian Cubit

Egyptian figure inside Geometry planning

Egyptian figure inside Geometry planning with 52.5 cm. Royal Egyptian cubit

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